Teleflora is committed to helping the world send its heartfelt messages, across town or across the country, through the welcome gift of flowers. We partner with the most experienced and highest-quality neighborhood florists, and our bouquets are available for same-day delivery. Beautifully designed, hand-arranged, and hand-delivered, our bouquets arrive right at the recipient’s doorstep.
Why Join Teleflora
- Work with the largest flower delivery service with handmade, curated arrangements delivered by local florists
- Career opportunities in B2B/B2C eCommerce, marketing, finance, customer service, and more
- Comprehensive wellness offerings including mental health resources, life coaching, employee community groups, and on-demand fitness videos
What Employees Are Saying
“As a mom and a leader, I hope to inspire women to fearlessly own and honor their unique and powerful voice – both in their careers and in their communities.”
Our Culture, in action
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